Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python

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Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python

  • Udemy - Algorithms and Data Structures in Python2.4 GB
    • 01 Introduction
      • 001 Introduction.mp44.1 MB
      • 002 Complexity theory.mp456.8 MB
    • 02 Setup
      • 001 Installing LiClipse.mp411.8 MB
    • 03 Data Structures
      • 001 Linked List introduction.mp435.2 MB
      • 002 Linked list implementation.mp460.7 MB
      • 003 Binary search tree introduction.mp431.8 MB
      • 004 Binary search tree implementation - Node.mp450.3 MB
      • 005 Binary Search Tree implementation final.mp431.7 MB
      • 006 AVL trees introduction.mp461.0 MB
      • 007 AVL tree implementation I.mp440.8 MB
      • 008 AVL tree implementation II.mp476.3 MB
      • 009 Heaps introduction.mp445.6 MB
      • 010 Heap implementation I.mp432.0 MB
      • 011 Heap implementation II - heapsort.mp437.8 MB
      • 012 Hashtable introduction.mp469.8 MB
      • 013 Ternary search trees introduction.mp444.5 MB
      • 014 Ternary search trees implementation I.mp433.2 MB
      • 015 Ternary search trees implementation II.mp421.2 MB
    • 04 Graph Algorithms
      • 001 Graph theory.mp429.0 MB
      • 002 Breadth-first search introduction.mp411.3 MB
      • 003 Breadth-first search implementation.mp423.3 MB
      • 004 Depth-first search introduction.mp49.0 MB
      • 005 Depth-first search implementation.mp417.9 MB
      • 006 Shortest path introduction.mp438.0 MB
      • 007 Dijkstra algorithm.mp465.0 MB
      • 008 Bellman-Ford algorithm introduction.mp413.1 MB
      • 009 Bellman-Ford implementation.mp474.7 MB
      • 010 Spanning trees introduction.mp436.4 MB
      • 011 Kruskal algorithm I - The union find data structure.mp467.7 MB
      • 012 Kruskal algorithm II.mp427.9 MB