Steven Pinker - The Language Instinct and other works (17 books)

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Steven Pinker - The Language Instinct and other works (17 books)

  • Steven Pinker - The Language Instinct and other works (17 books)358.6 MB
    • _Steven Pinker (17 books).txt4.1 KB
    • _workerbee.txt516.0 B
    • Better Angels of Our Nature
      • Pinker, Steven - The Better Angels of Our Nature (Penguin, 2012).epub15.5 MB
      • Pinker, Steven - The Better Angels of Our Nature (Penguin, 2012).jpg202.1 KB
      • Pinker, Steven - The Better Angels of Our Nature (Viking, 2011).jpg409.9 KB
      • Pinker, Steven - The Better Angels of Our Nature (Viking, 2011).pdf7.7 MB
    • Bibliographical Material
      • Pinker, Steven - CV and Bibliography.pdf459.2 KB
    • Blank Slate
      • Pinker, Steven - The Blank Slate (Penguin, 2016).epub1.6 MB
      • Pinker, Steven - The Blank Slate (Penguin, 2016).jpg463.0 KB
    • Connections and Symbols [ed.]
      • PInker, Steven (ed.) - Connections and Symbols (MIT, 1988).jpg252.0 KB
      • PInker, Steven (ed.) - Connections and Symbols (MIT, 1988).pdf7.7 MB
    • Do Humankind's Best Days Lie Ahead
      • Pinker, Steven - Do Humankind's Best Days Lie Ahead (Anansi, 2016).epub422.4 KB
      • Pinker, Steven - Do Humankind's Best Days Lie Ahead (Anansi, 2016).jpg115.4 KB
    • Enlightenment Now
      • Pinker, Steven - Enlightenment Now (Penguin, 2019).epub11.0 MB
      • Pinker, Steven - Enlightenment Now (Penguin, 2019).jpg498.1 KB
    • How the Mind Works
      • Pinker, Steven - How the Mind Works (Norton, 1997).epub5.5 MB
      • Pinker, Steven - How the Mind Works (Norton, 1997).jpg94.5 KB
    • Language Instinct
      • Pinker, Steven - The Language Instinct (HarperCollins, 2007).epub2.7 MB
      • Pinker, Steven - The Language Instinct (HarperCollins, 2007).jpg137.6 KB
    • Language Learnability and Language Development
      • Pinker, Steven - Language Learnability and Language Development (Harvard, 1996).jpg96.6 KB
      • Pinker, Steven - Language Learnability and Language Development (Harvard, 1996).pdf15.5 MB
    • Language, Cognition, and Human Nature
      • Pinker, Steven - Language, Cognition, and Human Nature (Oxford, 2013).jpg39.4 KB
      • Pinker, Steven - Language, Cognition, and Human Nature (Oxford, 2013).pdf2.2 MB
    • Learnability and Cognition
      • Pinker, Steven - Learnability and Cognition (MIT, 2013).epub2.9 MB
      • Pinker, Steven - Learnability and Cognition (MIT, 2013).jpg135.5 KB
      • Pinker, Steven - Learnability and Cognition (MIT, 2013).pdf4.4 MB
    • Lexical and Conceptual Semantics [ed.]
      • Pinker, Steven (ed.) - Lexical and Conceptual Semantics (Blackwell, 1992).jpg243.0 KB
      • Pinker, Steven (ed.) - Lexical and Conceptual Semantics (Blackwell, 1992).pdf10.4 MB
    • Miscellaneous Articles
      • A brief history of the past three billion years (2000).pdf52.7 KB
      • A Neural Dissociation within Language (1997).pdf1.1 MB